The Edwards Family

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Greyson has done very well after his surgery! He's been a trooper! We had a few issues with his feeding tube a couple days after he got it so he had to go back downstairs to have it checked out. Always fun to get a baby on a ventilator from the 7th floor to the 2nd (Not!) But he handled it all really well and everything checked out fine! He's almost back up to his full amount on his feeds and so far so good. One thing you all could pray for are his kidneys. Recently having some blood pressure and growth issues related to his kidneys. His blood pressure has been really high so they started a bp med yesterday and upped his fluids a good bit. So far it seems to be helping. His creatnin (how they determine his kidney function) was down a good bit this morning. That's a good thing! Lower the better. His growth seems to have dropped off a little bit which is also related to his kidneys. He's been on a growth hormone for probably over a month now and I think they were hoping to see more of a difference by now. This is definitely not something he's ever had an issue with! In his short 15 months he's already been on a diet! So normally growth is not an issue! But besides all that his doctor said he feels like he's doing very well! His lungs seem to be improving which is a huge answer to prayer! Here's a few pictures from a couple nights ago before we gave him his bath:
Greyson's room
His movies and books
His blankets and clothes have to coordinate =)
Favorite soap right now: Honey Apple! Thanks Aunt Jenn!
He's thinking 'If I ignore her, she'll go away'
Can u tell He hates bath time?!  What are you about to do to me?
Needless to say I have no pictures of the actual bath! They wouldn't be pretty! =) Thanks for checking! Love you guys!

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