Well what a crazy crazy morning! First off they told us surgery wouldn't be until 9 or 10 this morning. Well if we've figured out one thing since being here it's that surgery is never when they say it will be. Usually later than they tell u. So Paul and I planned to get there at 9 as usual figuring we'd be there all day. Well I get a call at 8:15 from our nurse saying surgery is ready for him! So Paul and I fly over there and turns out surgery had canceled his surgery because his sodium level was too low. It was 127 they wanted it to be 130. Seriously?! So our practitioner talked to the anesthesiologist and told him this is always something we deal with with Grey and to let us try to get it back up by noon. He agreed. So by 11:30 sodium level was 131! Yay! Surgery said great, get his vitals and send him down. So I'm changing his diaper and Paul is taking his temp, our nurse is getting his blood pressure. Everything's great except its taking Paul forever to get his temp because it keeps going up!! He's running a fever!!! Ugh! Needless to say no surgery today! =( I definitely think its meant to be! We're hoping maybe he's just teething but they are running more labs to see if anything shows up. Besides the fever he's acting fine. As you can see from the picture. Being really sweet. His satts are great, actually down on his oxygen from yesterday. So I guess we'll see. Keep him in your prayers! Hopefully we'll be able to reschedule it soon.